gianmarco caselli


Caselli is a composer: his compositions have been awarded at international prizes and have been performed in many musical events in Italy and out of Italy (Carnegie Hall in New York, Copenaghen, Kiel, Hamburg, London, Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona, Berlin, Messico, California, Argentina, Uruguay). He has already been comisioned to compose Music by ensemble executors for both video and events, of these events is the creation of the sound track for the exhibition “Lungo la scia di Un’elica” – which was later made into a CD.
 He works at Centro studi Giacomo Puccini, is art consultant at centro Musica Contemporanea (Contemporary Music Center, “Multimedia and New Technologies” area), in Milan and with Massimo Signorini founded the Duo Symbiosis for accordion and live electronics.

 Caselli’s music is characterized by minimalism and 70’s aesthetics but always looking for melody also in electronic compositions, heritage of the 80s.
 His book “Suono, segno, gesto nella musica per pianoforte di Gaetano Giani Luporini” has been published by Accademia Lucchese di Scienze, Lettere e Arti – ETS (Pisa, 2009).
 Caselli produces shows of experimental theatre as actor and director, and some of his poems and  stories have been brought to attention in several literary prizes.
s enrolled in the National Order of Journalists and is foundator and President of the Cultural Association V.a.g.a. (Visioni Atipiche Giovani Artisti).
 Is teacher of Italian Literature and History in “Liceo Artistico A. Passaglia” in Lucca.


Is Vegetarian. (more info here)

 Caselli has gratuated in History of the Music at the University of Pisa (College of Liberal Arts) gaining a First Class with Honours (Gabriella Biagi Ravenni, supervisor) and has graduated in a two-year Technological Specialization (Massimo Biasioni, supervisor) at Istituto Musicale “Boccherini” in Lucca, gaining a First Class (110/110) with his electronic compositions and videos.”